Touch, move and inspire.


“Stress is a Choice”

In this thought provoking speech, Dave Zerfoss illuminates that the life we each are living is of our own choice. When one realizes “stress is a choice”, he/she can choose to thrive and not just survive.

Balancing too many balls or spinning too many plates in the air creates complexity. Complexity adds stress and is a resource drain both personally and professionally. Simplify your life and business by discovering that “Stress is a Choice”!


“Transformational Leaders Create the Future”

The outside world and the past pulls on us to conform. The true power to generate and create (revenue, profits, a successful personal life etc.) stems from discovering our unique purpose.

Dave Zerfoss shares what it means to be a transformational leader and outlines the distinctions between conforming and transforming. Learn how exceptional leaders “create” versus “compete” as they think back from their vision of the future and take actions aligned with their unique purpose!

Learn about other topics that are available to fit your specific needs.